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No-Contact Orders in Prince William County

A no-contact order in the context of a bond means that the accused cannot engage in any impermissible form of contact with the alleged victim while awaiting trial. No-contact orders in Prince William County can forbid all forms of contact with the alleged victim, or it may prohibit certain kinds of contact such as physical contact or electronic communications. To make this determination, the court contemplates that there may be some form of incidental contact when both parties are present for court.

The conditions of a no-contact order can be extremely strict, and the punishments for violating these orders can be even harsher. If a judge issues a no-contact order pending your domestic violence case, an experienced attorney could explain the conditions of the order against you to ensure that you are following the order at all times.

What Does a No-Contact Order Entail?

Prince William County no-contact condition have specific requirements that the accused should follow pending their trial. Any forms of no-contact that a judge imposes on an accused can include direct and indirect contact. Therefore, an accused cannot manipulate the conditions of the order by having a third party contact the alleged victim on the accused’s behalf. The only kind of party that can communicate with a holder of a protective order is the defendant’s attorney, and this can only be done for limited periods of time and purposes related to the actual case. On occasion, the court permits specified third-party intermediary contact between the accused and the alleged victim over necessary issues such as retrieval of joint property or supervision of shared children.

Consequences for Breaking a Domestic Violence No-Contact Order

The court punishes failure to abide by a Prince William County no-contact by increasing the severity of the conditions placed on the accused’s bond or revoking an accused’s bond and forcing them to wait in jail pending trial. A court may implement these punishments even if the protected party chooses to contact the accused in violation of the order. Violating a no-contact order also may create incriminating evidence that the prosecution can use to convict the accused at trial or increase the severity of an accused’s sentence once convicted.

Conditions for Release After Arraignment

A Prince William County domestic violence attorney may argue that the court should grant the defendant pretrial release because they would not pose a further danger to the alleged victim while the case is pending and because the defendant can be reasonably expected to come back to court for all court dates.

If the judge allows for pretrial release, they may impose monetary collateral if the accused has any prior notable criminal history, as well as a no-contact condition if the alleged injury is significant. A standard condition of any bond is that the accused cannot commit further violations of the law while released, and cannot leave the state until the case is over. A judge also might impose a curfew by which someone is to leave and return to a specified address each day or place the person under pretrial supervision. Pretrial supervision could have a few requirements, including routine meetings, phone calls, drug tests, and other monitoring obligations with a local supervision officer.

Contact an Attorney to Learn More About Prince William County No-Contact Orders

Being released pending trial for a domestic violence case can allow an alleged offender to continue their daily responsibilities and routine. However, this release could come with strict conditions, including a no-contact order. If a judge issues one of these orders against you, a knowledgeable attorney can help you navigate its conditions. To learn more about no-contact orders in Prince William County, get in touch with a legal professional.

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