If you have been charged with a DUI in Tysons Corner, then sitting down and speaking with a Tysons DUI lawyer is a great option.
Furthermore, making the decision to retain an experienced Tysons DUI attorney is also the most proactive way to approach your legal situation to ensure that you have both experience and preparation on your side.
A local DUI attorney from our Northern Virginia law offices can help you to address your troubles. Whether you are facing DUI charges for the first time or working to mitigate the damage of a second or third DUI conviction, our defense attorneys in Tysons can help you to evaluate the facts of your case and make informed decisions throughout the DUI defense process.
Driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs is considered to be a very serious crime in the state of Virginia. According to
According to Virginia Code Section 18.2-270, a DUI is punishable as a Class 1 misdemeanor. However, subsequent offenses are punishable as felonies under the law. Possible penalties include the following:
Underage drivers and drivers with a history of offenses face harsher penalties under the law as well. Furthermore, if you are a CDL holder, you may be facing different and more serious consequences for driving while impaired.
Regardless of what category you fall under, it is important to work quickly with a Tysons DUI lawyer to formulate a plan to respond to your charges.
If you would like to hire or simply learn more about our Tysons DUI attorneys or other criminal attorneys practicing in the local area, then contact our law firm today. We have a legal team standing by ready to help you schedule your initial consultation with one of our attorneys.
During the initial consultation, one of our attorneys with experience defending against DUI charges will speak with you. He or she will be asking you a variety of questions, looking for and listening to the following as they put the pieces of your story and situation together:
After speaking with a Tysons DUI lawyer from our firm, it is also a simple and straightforward process to hire him or her, which is an important step towards making sure that you get the adviser, advocate and overall legal representation you need. Schedule a consultation with a DUI lawyer in Virginia today.
Every case is different; if you would like to learn about the specific ways that working with a Tysons DUI attorney can influence your case, call our law offices and take us through your charges.
We are standing by to receive your call.
Do not send us confidential information related to you or your company until you speak with one of our attorneys and get authorization to send that information to us.