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Leesburg Speeding Ticket Lawyer

Through a number of technological advances there are now a variety of different methods police can use to catch speed limit violators in Leesburg, Virginia.  With these new methods, however, mistakes can happen which is why it may be in your best interest to contact a Leesburg speeding ticket lawyer today. Here are several of the ways, including pacing, radar, laser, tracking, and microcomputers that police now use to measure the speed of a moving vehicle in order to issue speeding tickets. Contact a respected defense attorney if you find yourself in one of these situations.


Pacing is the simple method of matching driving speed of the vehicle in question. For example, if the police officer drives four car lengths behind you and stays at that distance, he or she can see how fast you are going by watching his or her own speedometer.

As long as the officer’s speedometer has been recently calibrated, and he or she follows for long enough to ensure an accurate reading, this is an acceptable way that officers can track speed.


Probably the most well-known method of tracking speed is using a radar gun. The radar produces microwaves, which then must bounce back to the gun for a reading. When the beam hits a moving object, this will cause distortion—it’s the level of distortion that is measured when it comes back.

Radar can be used while stationary or while moving—it just has to be in the right mode and used correctly. However, despite their ability to give accurate readings, there are many types of interference that can cause errors. User error can also contribute.


This is actually the use of what’s called LIDAR. LIDAR is short for “Light Detection And Ranging”. It may sound futuristic, but it actually works by emitting an invisible laser beam at a moving object. Much like radar, the speed is determined by measuring the beam when it comes back to the gun. Unlike radar, however, it does not measure distortion of the beam. It actually measures how long it takes for the beam to come back. It takes a distance measurement at the same time, and uses that information in conjunction with the speed of light to calculate how fast the vehicle must be moving.


Tracking is actually used in conjunction with the other ways of measuring speed. In essence, it’s a way of ensuring that the measurement is being taken correctly. Basically, tracking is the set of actions the officer takes to confirm that the measurement must be right. For example, he or she typically will first estimate speed based on sight. The officer will also be sure to measure the speed (for example, by using pacing, radar, or LIDAR) for as long as is possible in the circumstances.

Last but not least, one crucial element of accurate tracking is to check to be sure there are no other sources of error. If all of these things are done in conjunction with other speed-measurement options, it improves the accuracy of the assessment. This tracking history should be done in conjunction with the use of both Radar and Lidar.


The use of microcomputers might sound strange, but what it boils down to is this: a microcomputer can be used on an aircraft, for example, which can track a vehicle’s distance traveled. This distance is compared to the time it took the vehicle to travel that far, resulting in a calculation of average speed.

Hire a Leesburg Speeding Ticket Attorney

As you see, there’s no shortage of ways the police in Leesburg can track the speed of motor vehicles. Perhaps this is why one in five motorists across the U.S. gets a speeding ticket each year.

If you have received a speeding ticket in Leesburg, contacting a Leesburg speeding ticket lawyer might help. One of our lawyers can assess whether or not your ticket can be contested. For example, officers are required to correctly calibrate their radar guns—incorrect or infrequent calibration could be grounds to get a speeding ticket dismissed. Curious whether this might be the case for you? Contact one of our Leesburg speeding ticket lawyers today, and we’ll discuss your options.

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