In Virginia, there are a wide variety of traffic offenses. In terms of misdemeanors, the most common offense is reckless driving, which is a very general offense. There are over ten different types of reckless driving charges in Virginia. There are also a wide variety of traffic offenses that do not carry jail time. Those are called traffic infractions and for those offenses drivers face a potential fine and points on their license. There is a big difference between misdemeanor offenses and traffic infractions however both warrant contact from a traffic lawyer in Virginia. Read on to learn more about traffic charges and demerit points in Virginia, before calling and scheduling a consultation with an attorney.
One mistake is that people don’t know what to expect when they go to court. They don’t consult with an attorney, which means they go to trial alone in front of the judge and they plead for mercy. The judge will occasionally give people a break but the important thing to remember is that they won’t necessarily change the charge. They may simply adjust how much the fine is for the case. The reason why it’s important to talk to an attorney is because the attorney can help a person understand what the consequences are for each potential event and if there is another way to resolve the case without being found guilty for the offense you were charged with, they can find it.
Demerit points are put on a person’s driving record when they are convicted of a traffic offense. In Virginia, there is a big difference between six-point offenses, four-point offenses, three-point offenses, and offenses that have no points. It’s important to consult with an attorney so that one may understand the difference between the levels of offenses and how they can affect ones driving record. Everyone’s driving record can have a maximum of five positive points in Virginia, but if someone gets down to a certain level within a certain period of time, usually a two-year period, they could face the potential requirement of taking a driver’s improvement course or even face a license suspension imposed by DMV.
For every year that someone drives in Virginia without having any type of traffic conviction, or moving violation, they accrue one good point. People can also take a state regulated driver’s improvement course to get plus five points put on their driving record. With traffic tickets, any time someone is convicted of either a standard traffic offense or something more serious, like reckless driving or DUI, they face negative points on their license. However, they can take a driver’s improvement course and they can also accrue points over time.
It’s important to keep track of the number of points on a person’s record because if they have too many points, they could face a potential license suspension and they can also be forced to take a driver’s improvement course within 90 days of getting to a certain point level. In addition, points can have serious and expensive insurance consequences. This is easily correctable and if they consult with an attorney, who can advise them on any potential point implications.
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